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Model 16 Digital Paging Panel

INTRODUCTIONModel 16 Digital Paging Panel

The Model 16 Digital Paging Encoder accepts pages from the RS-232 interface either connected directly to a computer or dumb terminal or via a Hayes compatible modem. It then encodes the pages in either POCSAG or Golay format and sends them to the paging transmitter. The Model 16 sends pages of like format to the transmitter in batches so the pager preamble code is only transmitted once, saving valuable air-time and maximizing system throughput.

The remote control option allows control of a remotely located paging transmitter. The ZAPP! software option allows automated paging from multiple computer entry stations. The Paging Terminal Software option supports TAP and allows entry of pages directly via a dumb terminal.


The Model 16 operating parameters are easily setup and modified via a direct RS-232 connection or Hayes compatible modem to an IBM compatible PC or a dumb terminal. User-friendly menus guide the system operator through initial programming of various features such as the communications parameters, transmitter configuration, paging formats, and station ID. The Model 16 is password protected to avoid unauthorized programming access.


The Zetron Alphanumeric Paging Program (ZAPP!) is a DOS software product designed for use by operators entering alphanumeric pages for paging systems. It can take input from operators on multiple network terminals or single PCs, and send the pages to the Model 16 where they are encoded and batched for transmission. The ZAPP! software communicates with the Model 16 through the RS-232 port using a Zetron proprietary protocol allowing full capcode specification. This allows ZAPP! to handle an unlimited number of digital pagers, not just the 1000 defined in the internal database of the optional Paging Terminal software.

ZAPP! maintains a database of customers and users so the optional Paging Terminal software is not required. It also stores pre-recorded messages which can be selected with a few keystrokes. All pages sent by the system are saved so they can be retrieved at a later time and reviewed with the customer.

Pages may be sent to an individual subscriber, or to a group of subscribers such as a medical team or fire department personnel. Pages of an emergency nature can require an acknowledgment back to the operator to verify that the page was received by the subscriber. Predetermined times or dates, and periodic intervals may be established for particular pages.

The ZAPP! software can display user screens in virtually any language. A mechanism is provided to allow system supervisors to change the wording of each of the operator screens.


The remote control option allows the Model 16 to control transmitters using the industry standard Motorola protocol (PURC�). Burst tones are generated to control the transmitter and digital data are encoded as modem tones which can be sent over telephone lines or a radio link. This allows the Model 16 to be located away from the main paging transmitter. Zetron�s Model 66 can be used at the transmitter site for controlling transmitters that do not support the PURC� protocol.
If a radio, microwave, or wireline control link is not available to connect the Model 16 to the remote transmitter site, then the Model 63 can be used to connect to remote transmitter sites via a dial-up telephone line. Please see the Model 63 specification sheet for additional information.


With the Paging Terminal Software option, the terminal connected to the Model 16 displays menus that allow an operator to enter pages. An internal database stores the paging format (POCSAG 512, POCSAG 1200,
or Golay), pager capcode, message type (numeric or alphanumeric), beep code, and allowable message length for each subscriber ID. Then when entering pages, the operator is prompted only for a subscriber ID and message. There can be up to 1000 subscriber ID�s stored in the database.

TAP Protocol Support
The Paging Terminal Software option supports the Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) through a direct RS-232 connection or a Hayes compatible modem connected to the RS-232 port. Any calling device that supports TAP can then initiate pages to any programmed subscriber ID in the database.

Alphanumeric Paging with AlphaZ Software Option
The AlphaZ program is a simple DOS-based alphanumeric paging program. It communicates with the Model 16 through the RS-232 port on the PC or through a dial-up modem using the TAP alphanumeric paging protocol.


  • POCSAG (512 and 1200 baud) and Golay paging formats
  • Supports priority paging
  • 1000-Pager database with Paging Terminal Software (option)
  • Batches pages for efficient air-time usage
  • Supports multiple entry stations when used with the Zetron Alphanumeric Paging Program (ZAPP!)
  • 500-Character capacity for single page
  • Supports Telocator Alpha Protocol (TAP) input with Paging Terminal Software (option)
  • Remote control of transmitter (PURC� compatible)
  • Simultaneous sending and receiving of pages




Signaling Formats POCSAG 512 and 1200 baud, Golay, �2 ppm digital data stability
Input Protocol Manual full capcode paging
Support Manual subscriber ID paging with Paging Terminal Software option Automatic full capcode paging TAP with Paging Terminal Software option
All programming through RS-232 or modem port with security code
Subscriber Database
Pager Capcode
Function digit (address) Validation
Format assignment
Tone-only restriction
Priority page
Front Panel Power and Transmit LEDs
Back Panel Removable radio connector: Request,
Data, Digital Mode, PTT, Audio (remote control), COR input, Busy input
Logic outputs selectable RS232 or TTL compatible
PTT relay rated 26 volts, 1 amp 9 pin RS232C input
RS-232 Port One RS232C compatible serial port 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 baud rate field selectable
Power Supply 11-15 VDC or 9-12 VAC
Optional 110-120 VAC 60 Hz power adapter
Optional 220-240 VAC 50/60 Hz power adapter
Operating Temp. 0 to +50 degrees Celsius
WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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